Cement Concrete Mixer Tank Trailer Truck for Sale
We are not strange to the cement tanker trailer, a friend is driving the cement tanker truck, usually has business with the mixing station,let's talk about the cement tanker. Because the state prohibits making concrete in the construction site, so those concrete used to build is made in the mixing station,then transport to the construction site. First introduced is a cement tanker traile r also known as a powder material carrier, which holds the finished dry cement in containers sealed at the plant from the roof and transported by truck to the mixing station. Because it holds dry cement, there is no need to worry about the cement hardening, so the tanks do not need to be rotated during transport. When they arrive at the mixing station, an air compressor on the tank truck pressurizes the tanks, which are then discharged down the pipe into the mixing station's storage tank. Then a forklift shovels equal proportions of stones into the tanks and mixes them with cement and...